The Fresh Safe Start program is a program developed to help women and children succeed after being in a domestic violence situation. We help women and children by setting them up for a successful future.
We bring families back together. When living in some shelters, the families are sometimes lucky to have a cot, most sleep on the floor, and something as simple as having a dining room table to eat together as a family is the simplest pleasure we take for granted.
These families have seen some hard times, but our goal is to get them out of the shelter life, break the cycle, provide safety education, along with financial education to budget on their own. When we are contacted by the shelters we work with, we take the time to develop a relationship with our families. We make sure they have jobs lined up, and the means to support themselves living in their new place.
By donations from companies, organizations and of course our networking door prizes raffles and silent auctions we hold at various events we are able to pay for things such as deposits, first and second month rent, filling their food pantries, refrigerators and freezers. We also are able to donate gently used furniture, clothes and items needed for school.
We are excited to partner with College Hunks Hauling Junk. Not only will they help with the gently used furniture supply, but also they will provide professional women delivering these items to their new home. This allows the women & children to feel safe because it is female friendly.
With one in every 4 people you meet being a victim of domestic violence the supply and demand is high. We welcome any business who feels called to help this great cause! If you are interested in being a sponsor, please contact us.